Tablet & Handheld POS

Tablet POS Station

Tablet POS Stations have low ​upfront cost in exchange for ​monthly subscription fees.

Empty Screen Cashier Machine
Waitress holding a tablet computer with the menu at a restaurant

Handheld POS

Enhance mobility & customer ​service by allowing staff to take ​orders & process payments ​anywhere, reducing wait times & ​improving efficiency.

Inventory Tablet

Receive inventory, perform counts, ​& adjust pricing anywhere in your ​store. Increases efficiency & ​reduces errors.

Inventory & digital tablet

Our Services

24/7 Icon Vector. 24 Hour Service Clock.

In​stant 24/7 Support

We help you define

the best features for your app.

Education Hat Icon


We provide outstanding app design for your users.

onsite service flat icon

On​site Servicing

We employ a team

of experts to build

your app.

Find the Right Solution Today